Changes to the 457 Visa

At this point, some of you may be aware of changes that were implemented today in relation to the skill occupation list. In the following link, it states that the TSS visa will only replace the 457 visa in March 2018. From the 19th April 2017, there is an update on the occupation list, however, DIBP(Department of Immigration and Border Protection) have made a point that occupations listed on the STSOL (Short Term Skilled Occupation List) will be only granted a visa’s for two (2) years if they are pending in the system or lodged on or after this date.

There has been an update on the SOL (Skilled Occupation List) for 189, 489 and 485 visas,  which uses the “MLTSSL” (Medium and Long-Term Strategic skills List);  186, 190, 489, 457, and 407 visas will use the  “STSOL or the combined” list.

It has been stated by the minister that any applicants already on a 457 VISA will still be able to apply for a Permanent Visa and is not affected by these changes. please see the following link

The New Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) which is proposed to be in effect in March 2018 DIBP(  have released a few details as follows:

  1. If your occupation is on the MLTSSL you will continue to get a four (4) year visa which will allow you to apply for permanent residency after three (3) years.
  2. If your occupation is not on the MLTSSL but is on the STSOL,  then you will only be eligible for a two (2) year visa.  With a possibility of renewal. However, this visa is NOT a pathway to Permanent Residency.

The STSOL has caveats in place for certain occupations – it basically means its conditional or limited to what DIBP has stated.

Please note: that if your application is still pending these changes will affect your application.  DIBP has stated that no nomination application can be approved and no visa application can be granted if your occupation was removed. The list of occupations removed can be found here   DIBP has offered the opportunity to withdrawal or refund your application fees if you have a lodged application in the above removed skilled list.